Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 3- Days 15,16, 17

This week started off with a bit of a hiccup... I skipped the run on Monday in order to clean my apartment and recover from a totally crazy Holy Week. 

On Tuesday, I jumped right back into training and did my walk.  I was totally unprepared for the cold snap that we had early this week and because I was horribly underdressed I had to cut my walk short by 10 minutes.  I'm not too discouraged by my bumby start to this week, after all I am still working out at least 5 days a week which for me is pretty freaking awesome.  I will very soon have to take my runs a little more seriously in order to really get my training where it needs to be to start the distance training in June.

Wednesday was a challenging day, but one that I am proud to say that I overcame and did a great run.  I procrastinated my run for hours, but finally found myself on the treadmill for the full 30 minutes.  I might have cheated the last few seconds on the faster interval, but I felt really good after this run with not very much soreness.

I still need to work on a stretching routine for after my workout. Right now my runs are not very long or strenuous, but when I start adding significant time and distance the risk of injury will increase.  As I just officially registered for the Marathon TODAY, I would hate to be laid up with a pulled muscle or worse. After all, the registration fee is non-refundable.

While going through the registartion, I started to feel much more serious about my training.  This is real now. I'm registered.  Signed on the dotted line.  I also was pretty freaked to see that in order to officially finish the race you must finish in 6 hours 15 minutes.  I was horrified at the thought that it would be possible to run a full 26.2 miles and not get the medal, or t-shirt, or "officially finish". I know that I would feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment just to cross the finish line at all, but for me I need that validation and recognition on paper!  The pace for the race is 13:44 minutes per mile to fininsh in time and now I have a realistic goal to work for.

Even though I'm still not loving all this running, I might be hating it a little less every day.

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